We love the smell of commerce in the morning. Tommy’s too real for Kim. Kim’s special…so special. Julius lays down a heavy truth. Tony is a provocateur. Rachel is talking to herself? Kim flips, for real. It’s a dress-off. Ral...
Kim is Steve McQueening. A homeowner makes Tommy want to defect. We need someone good at finding children. Ken struggles for the right level of offensive. The Geddy always knocks once. Randall gives constructive criticism. Yo...
The crew debriefs, but gets interrupted before their investigation even begins. Tommy is faux stacking. Randall takes time for self care. Geddy couldn’t make an ice cube. Kim is visualizing success. Tommy and Randall inadvert...
The team expands their horizons in multiple different ways but learn that sometimes the familiar tastes are the best in the end. linktr.ee/dungeoncallingpodcast Please support our friends linktr.ee/WanderfulPod https://podcas...
The crew employs a classic pincer move. Geddy is cool mint. Ken suggests we stab the sleeping guy. Kim rolls to get away. Tommy’s secret is he’s always 8 feet tall. Randall faces a cooperative foe. Cats. linktr.ee/dungeoncall...
The crew explore another scenic corner of town. Kim gets double secret probation. Geddy is not ready for first base. Randall plays the purgatory card. Tommy’s world is unexplainable chaos. Can adults get grounded? linktr.ee/d...
The gang's reminded you’re bound to have a few critics. Tommy knows if you love smashing, you never work a day in your life. Allison’s starting to happen to…Geddy. Randall misses out on a real American hero. Kim thinks age is...
The crew further a scheme, and face some blowback. Randall breaks hard. Kim doesn’t wonder whether she’s paranoid, she wonders whether she’s paranoid enough. Geddy has a meet-weird. Tommy is one with the flame. We don’t know ...
We vote for the side quest, and trail our quarries. Geddy is a haircut voyeur. Randall aims to slack. Tommy doesn't need names. Kim is a homewrecker.
The crew plays hard to get, then enjoys a local attraction. Randall is a real Beetlehead. Tommy discovers doubt. Geddy has a certain je ne sais quoi. Kim needs a beret.
In the face of adult revelry, we stick to our training. Randall is bested by a husky boy. Kim is but a shadow on the wind. Geddy skipped arm day. Tommy discovers neutrality.
The party visits Lance, considers extreme measures and gets down to some quality brainstorming. We learn a bit of cowboy wisdom. Randall knows how to dip a candle. Geddy kidsplains The A Team. Tommy does live in a cave. Is th...
The kids survive gym, converse ineffectively, and probably overreact. Randall loses social capital. Geddy finds the world’s oldest trap. Tommy is nonplussed. Kim is feeling stabby.
The heist continues, and we try to problem solve on the fly. Geddy balks at eldericide. Randall is in a bit of a pickle. Kim creates a historic anachronism. Tommy shows laser focus. This one is a soft R.
The party wades into literary review, and then practices a song. Kim reads about the upside of puberty. Geddy isn’t in the pocket of big military. Tommy enjoys a childhood classic. Randall comes around for a donkey parade.
The party faces a moral test, and just really makes a meal of it. Then we squeeze in some sheep scouting. Kim uses art to heal. Geddy is all about shenanigans. Tommy makes some adjustments. Randall knows Hambone. Tommy and Ki...
The team works together for a common goal…revenge. We take in the sights, and meet a man with a plan. Randall is over conventional theatre. Geddy makes a scene. Kim wipes the floor with ‘em. Tommy's a believer.
The crew negotiates with the Queen, and faces repercussions for questing. As usual, D&D teaches us about love. Geddy’s family has emotions. Kim is a grounded skeptic. Tommy is not in a killing mood. Randall has an ear for AM ...
We almost watch a movie, and become dubious first responders. Kimmy’s Mom has got it (macrame) going on. Hell (aka Tommy) comes to Frogtown. Geddy breaks a leg. Randall finds a wheelbarrow. We’ll always stay in touch with tha...
The crew gets in hot water, is a thing we could say. Tommy’s boots have spheres of influence. Geddy tries out the cape life. Kim panics under pressure. Randall makes a pitch for basic societal norms. It's time for Witch Talk ...
It’s a weekend bonus episode! Kim only feels truly alive in the four corners of the matted square. Tommy discovers the scene partner he needed was closer than he could have imagined. Randall gets AP credit in French history.
The kids encounter the downside of fame, and a friend has got to go. Randall has a moral reckoning of one. Kim sends a message to their fans. Tommy is no one’s butt. Geddy knows you don’t bring a scarf to a snap-pop fight.
After some conflicts at the dump, the gang’s introduced to the magic of the stage. Geddy’s Dad is an imaginary lawyer. Kim knows improvised weapons. Tommy’s “secret” is he’s always angry. Randall gives trash talking a try. Ki...
In D&D, the party explores a city on the go. Geddy doubles down on hostile worldbuilding. Tommy finds an all-organic specialty store. Kim don’t want no trudge. Randall is a fun-guy.